Excellent essay, Justin, rational and logical. People need to understand there is an alternative to this unsustainable system that spawned from the first enlightenment, which only resulted in better lives for a small minority, and has made slaves of and killed others. Now in its death throes, fossil fuels threaten our immediate future, and the build out of renewables will be a failure without reducing our lifestyles. This essay ties well into the concept of degrowth. Truly, we must embrace our responsibility to care take the Earth and embrace much of the thinking of indigenous cultures if there is to be a future. I would like to share this essay which considers in a real way what living in harmony with the natural world looks like compared to dominating and monetizing it. It draws on the earliest settlers in America and the Wampanoag natives. https://geoffreydeihl.substack.com/p/imagine-an-earth-first-policy

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lol. What?

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Jun 6Liked by Justin McAffee

Excellent vision for the future! Thoroughly explained and yet concise. Thank you for sharing this.

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My son was pointing that in his SAT study guide a practice question depicting JP Morgan as a hero...very odd to us both. This is an example of dysfunctional narrative. We need to question nearly all the influencers of the 20th century in order to arrive at sanity. There are so many who are still pedestaled yet were deeply involved in racism, genocide, sexual assault and more. To envision a bright future is to acknowledge it needs to be built with transparency and humility toward how we have been misled by these false gods that were offered in place of sincere care. The entire field of philanthropy mostly exists as compensation and shadow-hiding for the very people who create the conditions that require it...it can mask as "green agenda" and "eco tourism," while robbing Indigeous Peoples of their health and land.

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More fundamentally I completely agree with aligning ourselves with the feminine way of knowing. Like all things, there’s a yin and yang. Quantitative analysis has its place in the world, but without the deeper sense of intuition and qualitative analysis, it’s meaningless.

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Beautifully said!

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Thanks. That’s interesting about the Rockefellers. There relationship to the Nazis is the subject of debate, but I don’t know enough to comment. Even the Limits to Growth study was funded by them. I think both works were good though.

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There is a blibical saying (and you know I'm not a conventional Christian, but the story has a point) - even the demons know scripture. Someone can harness elements of truth or all lies. If you include some truth it's more believable. There is another Christian saying that also resonates: "Satan tells 9/10ths truth, 1/10th lie"

So some aspects of various evil can be easily debunked or seen for what they are....others you actually have to use the feminine to even smell/sense/intuit/taste/feel it in it's "off" vibe...to even ask the questions to have an accurate linear/computation understanding. I have found out about many things because my intuition guided my inquiry. Including the Rockefellers behind lots of things: AA (think about the "feeble minded" class of those deemed degenerate by nazis and all kinds of "hygiene" movements of the eugenics that are still resonating less in plain site, but popping up now and again, as we see recent revelations of forced sterilizations in the Netherlands and elsewhere coming to light. I would be interested in your evidence that there investment in Nazi activities is uncertain as I am absolutely certain of it but happy to be wrong. To my understanding, originally found on Wiki, and confirmed other places, they funded the building and maintainenance Kaiser-Wilhem (now Max Planck institute) which was always deeply involved in Eugenics and in time, the nazi movement itself:

"On Thursday, mourners in Berlin gathered at the funeral for at least 54 men, women and children whose bones were discovered on the site of the former Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics. According to experts, some of these individuals may have been victims of colonial-era and Nazi crimes."


"During World War II, the Institute regularly received human body parts, including eyes and skulls, from Nazi party member Karin Magnussen who studied eye colors, and Josef Mengele (at Auschwitz concentration camp) to use in studies intended to prove Nazi racial theories and justify race-related social policies. After the German capitulation in May 1945, most of the thousands of files and lab material of the Institute were moved to an unknown location or destroyed, and never obtained by the Allies to use as evidence in war crimes trials and to prove or disprove the Nazi racial ideology which had motivated mass genocide in Europe. Most of the staff of the Institute were able to escape trial, most notably Mengele who escaped to Brazil, where he died of a stroke while swimming in 1979.

Efforts to return the Namibian skulls taken by Fischer were started with an investigation by the University of Freiburg in 2011 and completed with the return of the skulls in March 2014 to Namibia.[5][6][7]"

Gretchen E. Schafft, From Racism to Genocide: Anthropology in the Third Reich (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2004), pp. 48–54.

Robert S. Wistrich, Who's Who In Nazi Germany (New York: Routledge, 2001), p. 60.

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The other thing that is true is that good information can serve nefarious plots. The environmental movement has been sometimes used to support eugenics. The fact that we are in overshoot is a biological reality, yet this does not support eugenics ethically speaking. So while the Limits to Growth is a dire warning to humanity, the Rockefellers may have had their own motivations for supporting it. I don’t think this makes the study itself bad.

I’ll share what I read about the Rockefellers and the Nazis in a bit.

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Also, I am far more worried about what is being done to our ionosphere with the current experimental licenses of HAARP (2021-2026) than what we would do as a collective without the few corrupt who control the consciousness of the collective ATM.

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Yes, I agree good information can serve nefarious plots. And about the latter - esp as I believe the environmental movement is rooted in Eugenics, not sometimes used to support Eugenics. I didn't mean to find it this out, but it was was my eventual conclusion. I also don't intuitively believe "we are in overshoot" due to too many people having children at this moment for several reasons. The first is intuitive. The second is that nature has her own natural feedback loops when everything is in balance, and so where I resonate with you is in root causes - exploitation and rape consciousness is unsustainable. It's not the amount of people, it's the 1% that is actually unsustainable for Mother/Grandmother earth. If there were not WEF and other analogues to Rhodes, JP Morgan, Jamie Damon, CFR and those behind those and other secret and non-secret orgs, we, along with nature herself would find ways to come into balance.

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BTW, overshoot doesn’t have to only be about the human population. Ecological overshoot means we are using more resources than we are replenishing. To the extent that we could provide for ourselves if the 1% weren’t doing their 1% thing, is one question. But could we also not damage the biosphere, the wildlife, the oceans, etc.? This is a bigger question. Many people believe the carrying capacity of the Earth is closer to 1 billion people, if you consider the biosphere holistically. It’s a worthy question. My general thought is through liberation and consciousness, we will find a natural balance. It might also come by hitting the limits of growth hard, like we are now.

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Two of my favorite super well educated people have quoted Keynes without realizing he was a Eugenecist/Imperialist:

On May 2, 1914, Keynes gave a speech called “Population.” This is perhaps his most important work on population. Unfortunately, this inaccessible speech was not included in The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes. A full transcript of the speech is included in the appendix below. After praising Malthus, he declares,

That degree of populousness in the world, which is most to be desired, is not to be expected from the working of natural order. … The natural degree of populousness is likely to exceed the ideal. … In most places the material condition of mankind is inferior to what it might be if their populousness were to be diminished. … In many, if not in most, parts of the world there actually exists at the present time a denser population than is compatible with a high level of economic wellbeing.5

To Keynes’s mind, “there would be more happiness in the world if the population of it were to be diminished.”6 Thus, he advocated government violence to restrict the size of the population. He wanted government to “mould law and custom deliberately to bring about that density of population which there ought to be.”7

"Keynes was especially concerned about overpopulation in the East: “India, Egypt and China are gravely overpopulated.”8 He thought his race was facing a “race struggle.”9 He advocated the use of imperialistic government violence against Eastern races to protect the “white population.”


His view doesn't consider Gaia a living organism capable of self-regulation minus the insanity of those who seek absolute control, including through the various arms of Eugenics on both the right and left that can come in the guise of so many beneficial things - sometimes using "good information" that is used nefariously but often using models that were never good in the first place because they came from ego rather than from holism and an honoring of the feminine, including reverence for life. If Gaia is a person, our goal should not be to control her fertility in the form of us, to support her total wellbeing as she supports us. To seek control her is control the ultimate Feminine.

Bless you! Thanks for listening to all of my expressions!!!!

Peace & Love.

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Have you seen how much of the problem environmentally is related to the military? If you added all the bigs...but they can simply pay the fines for the carbon credits and keep polluting and destroying. I believe that if we removed the personhood of corporations and removed the DOCD (Peter Derrick) we could begin to undo the root causes that keep us from gently finding balance through free energy and living a simpler life that can be abundant, joyous and connected!

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I completely agree we are abusing and exploiting the earth...but it is not actually accurate to say "we" as the primary cause, because in fact, the driver is the segment of the population I mentioned and both their public/private partnerships and counterparts. These people drive the abuse/rape, then try to micromanage the people, whether in reproduction or in carbon credit or social credit scores...it is disgusting. I 100% believe that if we focused on disentangling and no longer giving our power of consent to those few that we would find natural ways to come into harmony with Mother Earth. The Club of Rome has a new study that now says population will decline. All other numbers show we've been in a decline for years and will continue, from various sources/causes, including excess deaths related to the p demic, which was 5m in 2020 and 10m in 2021. Interesting it doubled after those same people linked with eugenics seem to have meddled with things, then got people to take their advice for how to handle the problem. Problem Reaction....Excess Deaths.

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"Professor Hagai Levine, one of the researchers behind that particular study, called it a "canary in a coal mine," adding that "we have a serious problem on our hands that, if not mitigated, could threaten mankind’s survival". Can you guess what he's talking about?

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From what I could gather, they definitely funded eugenics in Germany. The link between their funding and the totally racist eugenics of the Nazi ideology is less clear. Eugenics was at the time considered a “legitimate” scientific area of research. Apparently they stopped funding specific programs as WWII began. They also helped scientists escape Nazi Germany. But there is some level of culpability just for being a part of the eugenics movement and not alerting the world to what the Nazis started doing. There is a bunch of scholarship on this, and I don’t know much about it, so I’m just giving a summary of a summary, admittedly.


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To me reading what you wrote is confirmation rather than a creation of ambiguity, based on a larger context in which I understand it. First of all, most of Kaiser-Wilhem's scientists DID escape - second of all, Germany is still playing the same games, as far as I can tell, on multiple fronts. I'm not sure if you are familiar with their Namibian Genocide which was prior to the Holocaust, but clearly linked, due to the Namibian skulls they were using at the Kaiser-Wilhem (now Max Planck) - but eventually pressure for reparations led to them committed some money (a lot) to "development. Unforfortunately for any credibility, they refused, even after criticism, to include the very Indigenous Peoples that were the victims. There is currently a lawsuit about this. You can find it on Human Rights Watch. Additionally, Germany funds both Israel and has deep connections with both Iran and Saudi Arabia, including weapons supplies. During times when it has bee politically expedient they stopped most forms of weapons supplies, for example after the death of Khashoggi, but still managed to find ways around it. I wrote about it my article Genocide and Its Opposite. They are now resuming full weapons supplying to Saudi Arabia.

"It was Germany's conservative-led government under Chancellor Angela Merkel that restricted German weapons exports to Saudi Arabia in October 2018. This was in response to the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul and Saudi Arabia's involvement in the war in Yemen, where an alliance of Arab states is fighting against the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels under Saudi leadership. That war has triggered one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world.

"Now, just over five years later, the government led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz is reassessing its relations with the Saudi government. Following the terror attack by the militant Islamist Hamas on Israel on October 7, Saudi Arabia has been making a significant contribution to Israel's security, said Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Green Party) on January 7 during a visit to Jerusalem. "And this is helping to contain the danger of the conflict spreading across the region."


This is all pretty standard fair as far as optics go. You are right Eugenics was considered an acceptable science. In fact Rockefellers funded Joseph Mengele in the US before he went to Germany, as I understand it. There are many things that are normative that are not normal in the sense of healthy, nor ethical, as we can see with the Papal Bulls that are still used to justify absolute domination by Colonial powers in courts of law, based on religious excuses for the exploitation model that I believe is far more detrimental to Mother Earth AND her peoples than current population, which as I said, I believe would naturally balance itself with the raising of consciousness - ie educated people naturally have fewer kids, as one of many ways this could look. Does it ever weird you out how much funding goes into fertility treatment for upper class people WHILE abortion clinics are positioned in areas with a lot of people experiencing poverty, often who are black/brown? The founder of Planned Parenthood was a Eugenicist. And consciously used MLK and other religious leaders of color to ensure communities of color never got suspicious. There is an organization with Eugenics ties attributed to her name that I believe is using the same tactic, called the Wellcome-Sanger Institute.

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I love the attention to the threads we can appreciate, while we also acknowledge where we have failed. Unfortunately, the enlightenment disconnected us most greatly from feminine ways of knowing...so it is not only feminism but a return to the feminine as a way of knowing that is needed. I also feel led to point out that Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring was funded by the Rockefellers, who also funded Nazi Germany's greatest atrocities.

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What do you mean by oversocialization?

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Generally it refers to the excessive conditioning of individuals to conform to societal norms and expectations. Modern society requires this because it goes so much against our natural way of being.

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Thanks, Justin, for answering. Yes, these expectations go even against communal socialization, so that in the end only seperated individuals are left.

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This came in my Substack Reads so I'm an interloper here, moved to say that what you lay out is another good rundown of how things should be where that's not what's needed. How we can get there is what I write about, and I'd love to have your fine brain tuned into that track where I'm a lonely contributor looking for allies: NOW WHAT? https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/about

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Hi… You might appreciate this.

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